All beer tates the same to me!

We’ve all heard it – “I don’t drink beer because it all tastes the same.” It’s a shame that the attitude lingers. Not only is someone missing out on great beer experiences, it also means that the old idea that beer is somehow inferior is lingering on too. After all, if I said all coffee […]

Back-to-work beer tasting with NZ Beer Blog

Come and join me for a back-to-work beer tasting to end the summer break in style. We will be having a blind tasting of range of craft beers from New Zealand and overseas on Wednesday 26 January. D4 on Featherston is providing the beer and food, and there will be prizes and giveaways too. Come […]

My New Year resolution is to drink more beer

There – it’s in writing and on the internet, so it must be true. This year, 2011, I Martin Craig will endeavour to drink more beer. I admit I may have let the occasional NYResolution wither and die in the past, so I will have to make an extra effort to stick with this one. […]

Beer highs and lows of 2010

Cheers 2010, you’ve been a good year for New Zealand beer fans. The highlight for me was the exponential spread of good graft beer. Several mainstream (tied) pubs here in Wellington renegotiated their supply contracts this year and now stock craft breweries like Epic and Emerson’s alongside mainstream taps. Bottled craft beer is turning up […]

When binge drinking was compulsory

Binge drinking used to be compulsory here in New Zealand, and was reinforced by an emergency law that lasted for half a century. For the benefit of international readers, let me start at the beginning. Back in 1917, New Zealand was at war. We were attempting to drive the Hun out of Flanders, and the […]

Do beer drinkers get what we pay for?

When I buy a bottle of fresh orange juice, I can be confident I am getting what I pay for. But when I buy a bottle of pale ale, I can’t be so sure. Product labelling laws here in New Zealand are protected by the Commerce Commission. The Fair Trading Act (FTA) requires manufacturers to […]

Summer beers are blooming

Summer’s a great time for beer – I don’t know if I drink more beer in summer, but I seem to drink it more often. I live halfway up a mountain, and so I deserve a beer at the end of the working day. (What? Well, yes, I do work from home. What’s your point?) […]

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