Choose one – but don’t choose the Chosen One

It will be disappointing if beer buyers taste any of The Chosen One products I tasted and think they are representative of craft beer. The samples I was given showed fundamental flaws of the kind I experience when judging home brews.

NZBeerBlog Radio

Last week the RadioNZ National show ‘Ths Way Up’ took a look at the spectacular success and growth of the craft beer scene in NZ. Inverviewer Simon Morton spoke to me about the scence, with an emphasis on contract brewing. You can here the piece here. NB – I got it wrong on the costs […]

RadioNZ National looks at craft beer

This Way Up takes a look at the growth and growth of our craft beer scene this Saturday at 1.45. RadioNZ National 101FM. Cheers This Way Up!

Taking on the beer industry one keg at a time

“I don’t like to be limited by style guidelines. The only crime in brewing is being boring”

NZ brewer wants your feedback

Any exercise that gets people thinking about beer, and assumes the New Zealand beer drinker can discriminate different tastes and preferences, is OK with me.

Colonial Upstarts!

It may seem churlish to gatecrash Her Maj’s birthday by comparing British Pale Ales with their brash colonialist knock-offs. But there was no gong in my mail this morning, so churlish I’m going to be.

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